Flight guide
This website is intended as a small guide to make paragliding in Lanzarote island. The best conditions for flying are in autumn and winter, when the trade winds predominate (cool NW to NE winds) although sometimes we also have calima (E to SE wind and dry weather) and in this way you will find the flying areas grouped in the menu. In each tab you can find the required weather conditions, location, restrictions and some advice.
When in Europe it is too cold, in Lanzarote you will find a paradise for free flying and it is in the hands of the visiting pilots to keep it that way, so I would like to ask you to treat it with the same respect as you do your usual flying areas. Don't make a mess and don't step on the cultivated areas, here they are not usually fenced, although you will recognise them by the black volcanic earth that covers them.
I hope you enjoy the island and always have happy landings.
I would like to take this opportunity to post some videos of visitors who have come to Lanzarote with their paragliders and left their mark.
The first one, Carousel in the Clouds, by Oliver and Sophie, always laughing.
This video was presented at the FIA El Yelmo 2017 and I think it won a prize.
The trade winds almost always offer us a laminar air that favours dynamic flying, so sometimes acro pilots come here to train. In this wonderful video from Teamfreestyle, you can see the contrast between the more aggressive side of paragliding and the romantic vision of its authors. 2012/13

One of the peculiarities of the island that makes you feel like you are on another planet are the volcanic rocks, and their groupings are known as "Malpais" that cut the lines like the Sword of Damocles. So if you see the glider catching on you when you raise it, you'd better see what's going on instead of pulling hard.
Aventura en Canarias, has created a super interesting series about atmospheric phenomena and paragliding in all the Canary Islands, on the left the video High and low pressure, Paragliding in Lanzarote. 2017/18
I recommend you to watch the whole series as it is very educational.
And here's a video I made of one of my trips back in 2016 that doesn't have much to do with this guide, but look, this way you can see the face of the person who made it.
Hey, and if you need a hand to organise your trip, your flights and those of your friends, get in touch.